Monday, November 8, 2010

Make ALLLL the appointments!!!

What a little engine of productivity I am, and all in the space of 20 minutes! I'd fallen behind on my medical appointments, except I had my hemo appt not long ago, and that same day I made myself go in and make my GP appointment (getting one's birth control pill renewed is all the incentive I need to get that appointment done each year!)

Today I...

- called and got Minion's spaying appointment - it's for tomorrow (Ohhhh her little ladybits! So sad. But I reassured her she does NOT have the mothering instinct anyway.)

- got a dentist appointment for tomorrow at 4 PM

- tried to call the local hemo doctor to transfer my case to him--couldn't get through, but he's in the same building as my dentist, so I'll do that tomorrow

- appointment with optomologist for me and Fernando on Friday

- appointment in January with headache doctor, and they're going to mail me my pill renewals

[dusts hands off and takes a bow -- clean ALL the things!!]

1 comment:

ladada said...

Feels so good!! Yayyyy!

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