Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas music and other new releases

It's new music Tuesday. I'm more excited by what's coming out this Friday (Nicki Minaj and Kanye West), but I'm très très excited about the Annie Lennox Christmas album. Judging by the previews on iTunes it's -- I'm gonna go for it -- AWESOME! Original but still beautiful! Will let you know once it's been More Listened To.

For those who were McPhee fans back a few Idol years, you might like this. I'm previewing right now and it isn't wowing me. Save your money for Annie is what I say. But I may find one or two singles off it that I'll download. Also, it's a double album, and one album is non-Christmas. It also sounds meh, but then most Am Idol albums are terrible. Having a great voice doesn't mean you'll gave great songs.
Groban's done something interesting. He hasn't released a Christmas album, but has released something sort of smoooth and Christmassy-spiritually-ish in time for everyone to buy him as a gift. Seems like a smart idea to me.

Bruce has some sort of songs-not-included-on-early-album album. So if you're missing Original Bruce, Young Bruce, this is for you.

The Lost Fingers have a new album. They do catchy-strum renditions of mostly 80s pop songs, which are entertaining, and especially popular in Quebec. Judging by the preview, "9-5" doesn't sound that great, but "Karma Chameleon" sounds weird enough to have promise.

 L'il Bryan's got a guitar-only live album. Worth checking out. Except that the audience is singing along with him on every song, and they've recorded that, which I suspect would become obnoxious. I think live albums should have, like, One Epic Song in which audience participation is featured. And for the rest, mute the buggers. No one's paying to hear them.

I'm sure the biggest seller will be Rihanna. Blehhhh. I've had Rihanna overload. And even the cover is BORING.  She needs to take a vacation.

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