Sunday, November 21, 2010

23 066

Check out that graph baby.

Imma touch the sky! ...One of my fave Kanye songs, and funny video. He does have a sense of humour, believe it or not. 
- "Do you know who I am??" 
- "This is why we couldn't never work out, Nia." 
- "Do you know who I am??"
- "I know--I just--I said your name!"

Okay, I've made pasta, and butternut squash soup (the recipes in Vegan With a Vengeance aren't short, but they are always YUMMY.)  I've chosen a candle for the night--from these Partylite candles we've owned for over 10 years. lol They all smell the same by now. I've read email, cooked in my cafe, and earlier today I wrote a thousand words to set me up for a party scene. Parties are always fun to write because you can make anything happen at them, and dump all the characters in the scene. I'm gonna finish my bowl of soup and go! Touch the skyyyy!

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