Sunday, November 21, 2010

22 297

I keep watching the "words per day to finish on time" stat on my Nano stat page, to make sure it doesn't get too high. I think we were at about 3500, and now we're down to 3079. All thanks to a fuuun scene I came up with. Weeee!

I'm trying to keep in mind the advice that if a scene is dull to write, then it's probably gonna be dull to read.

It's 7 AM. Fernando's been sleeping in my bed since 1 AM. I have to decide whether to kick him out, or just go sleep in his room.

Songs for the day: (I constantly listen to music when writing, so there's always fave songs of the day!)

Never watched this video - it's great. The thing I love most about this song is how they work in all their previous hits into the background at the end.

I find there's something really warm/sweet about this song.  (Another video I'd never seen. Love the dancing!)

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