Sunday, September 5, 2010

Something cutesie this way comes

minion was sucking on my finger, laying on my arm, and fell asleep. i can tell b/c she's doing that twitchy-asleep thing. but my finger pad is still between her teeth and she keeps biting down. she is so obnoxious and cute.

things have gotten stormy in the meowee east. the problem is minion's idea of a good time is to jump up in the air and land on haley's back. over and over. it's not appreciated.

[She's off my hand! She almost punctured the skin of my finger! The rotten bum.]

She also doesn't respect Haley's high up hiding places, so there's no way to escape unless I lock Minion up.

I read that little kitties are often inappropriately aggressive in play and their mothers have to teach them to play more gently. So I've been teaching her the meaning of NO! And often: MINION!!! I've been successful enough that I was able to get her off Haley's perch, without having to get up and physically remove her, for the time today. Since I've started this, things have settled down a little.

I have all these Cutesie pictures of Minion, and not Haley, cause she likes to sit on the couch with me. So Haley doesn't. (Except during Minion Lockdown.) Though since I've been taming the beast, Haley's been hanging around a little more.

So much for not being dominant. Interestingly Haley never gives Minion the smackdown I suspect she's fully capable of. She yells, she hisses, she swats--but I have personally been on the receiving end of a Wolverbean, so I know she can do more. I don't know if she holds back because Minion's a baby? Or she only believes in savaging humans, and not fellow cats?

Ah well, here's the latest pics.

Happiness is a warm kitty on your lap, on a chilly night.

It's hard to take a picture of a cat when she keeps chasing the camera strap.

1 comment:

Simone said...

cuuuuuuuuute time a million!!!

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