Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gilmabelfest Day 1 - Part 3 Chez Maison Gilby (the only non-gay in the vill-age) (if you don't watch Little Britain, never mind)

Oscar looks worn out from all the running around.

I picked up William tonight at intermission... thought I should add him to my menagerie of traveling companions. But he looks unhappy to have to be sharing a bed. (We're right in the gay nabe, so maybe he's as at home as Oscar.) (He looks more like a musketeer than William Shakespeare, doesn't he. Maybe I'll rename his Porthos.)


BrotherPaul said...

Shouldn't that be: "Only non-gay IN the village."

Maybe you should check to see if there is a pea under William's mattress...

London Mabel said...

Corrected - merci.

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