Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mabel's VeganEats

My cafe expanded so I had to redecorate. (Fernando says if I say "I had to..." it means I'm a gamer now. I can accept that. I'm a decorating gamer. That's the only thing I like doing.)

Here's one side of the cafe. You can only seat one person per table, which is why the setup always looks weird.

Here's the other side. Don't you like my special corner with the underwater wallpaper, book shelf, sleeping puppy and table for one?


ladada said...

Where's the take out? I want take out!

BrotherPaul said...

It'd be cool to build a virtual Chenoy's...

London Mabel said...

Fernando seems to be working on my delivery business for me. He does all the heavy legwork. I decorate.

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