Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm not on fire

Have you ever heard what the novelists call a blood-curdling scream? I tell you ... it really does curdleize the blood. Or at least, it sends a shot of adrenaline SHOOTING through you, and you can perform great feats of ingenuity, such as extracting a cat who's hiding under the bed.

A couple nights ago, at a time when most are asleep but we are not, the fire alarm went off. This happens about once a year. Once it was a cooking fire in someone's home, but the other times it was a prank or malfunction, we don't know which. So when it goes off, we don't freak out too much, but our #1 priority it to get the cats (now made easier.) Fernando goes out to see if it's Real Cause for Alarm, while I pack up the cat. (And if it seems fake, I toss my purse and laptop into my backpack.)

Tonight it went off again and we were debating whether to leave when we heard a woman scream. Oh. My. God. I guess she screamed "fire" but all I heard was

but without the giggling at the end, and a bit longer.

There was no fire as far as we can tell. Maybe she saw the fire trucks which Fernando had called (which he automatically does.) Or it was mischief. There is a form of socio-whatever-thingy that calls in fires and then watches people. Maybe the scream was added as an effect, because everyone was so blasé last time. But they were blasé this time too.

We have new neighbors upstairs (the boys have sadly moved out) and when they saw me in the staircase with my cat carrier the woman said: You're taking your cat?! So the boyfriend went back. But he didn't manage to corral them.

Thees will not happen to me. I will die trying to get my One Remaining Cat (and more if I get more) out of the apartment. If she hid behind a bookcase where I couldn't reach her, I'd pull the frikking thing down. I don't know all this for a fact, but the day they tried taking Sherry away to give him a needle without me being present I saw a side of me I've never seen. The Mommy Feelings seem to be alive and kicking, they've just transferred themselves to felines.

As it was, the night ended more pleasantly. Turns out the new neighbors were delivered my mail by accident, and it was my two remaining etsy packages (plus I got the other one in my box today.) So I'm sitting here enjoying them. Because I'm too bloody wired to sleep, though I start work in 5 hours and only slept 3 hours last night.

Oh my lord.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! <--Hey! Stop screaming in my head!! #%$^@%

Look at the cute packaging. I ordered two bracelets and they came wrapped like little prezzies, and she tossed in a third smaller bracelet for free, wrapped in a little bag with her bunny symbol.
Interestingly, that scream makes me realize what it would be like to be caught in a real fire. And I begin to think that Bruce Springsteen's song "I'm On Fire" is a poor metaphor. "I'm On a Slow Intense Heat" maybe, but that man is not on fire.


Simone said...

didn't have time to read it all because I am late for work. Your upstairs neighbour is an idiot. I am mad now... this will linger a few hours...

ladada said...

Regarding that surprised scream video ... Have you ever wonder why we all have that reaction when we suddenly see someone in a place that we don't expect? It could be in the safety of our own home, and someone we INstantly recognize as SAFE - yet we jump ten feet in the air and/or scream just because they suddenly appear where we don't expect them.

In a little biblical aside - I've noticed that the first words angels say when they appear to someone is "don't be afraid!" I'm thinking "Yeah! Right!" IF it was a real actual honest to God angel - whatever they must look like --- I"m Going To Need Clean Underwear!!! thankyou very much!! Don't bother with the "Don't be afraid," stuff 'cause by the time you say it - it's already too late! ha ha...

London Mabel said...

@ Happy Wanderer - shorter version: I don't know who actually screamed. My upstairs neighbor was in a dead sleep, her boyfriend had to wake her up. I happened to meet her outside. And when she found out I lived below her, she gave me some packages that had been put in her mail by accident.

But who is the Mystery Screamer?? Alas I do not know.

Simone said...

I meant... the neighbour is an idot for fogetting the cat! GRRR mad again.

London Mabel said...

lol Oh of course. Brain wasn't working well yesterday.

It was certainly strange. She seemed quite unconcerned. I mean, if you really cared you'd go back WITH your boyfriend, esp as there's two cats to corral (and he didn't succeed.)

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