Monday, April 12, 2010

My birfday: It's all vair vair excitin'

I want to get myself a wee Kobo eReader for my birthday.

So here's why...

- It's pretty cheap. Though that means no bells and whistles--the only thing I'm sad about is no ability to highlight text. If I can use multiple bookmarks, that'd work.

- It's nice and light, with no pages floppying-trying-to-close on you. Not a problem when I'm sitting upright, but it can be hard to read books when lying down which I sometimes have to do when I have a bad headache, or when I'm having my blood sucked out.

- Hardcovers books are around 40% off -- so I can get hardcovers for about the price of a "trade" softcover, and it won't be all Bulky, which I dislike. I'm not sure how much all that will change--as of April 1ast the "big 5" publishers changed to "agency model" pricing. Now I understand why Kobo was offering deals every single week up until March 31st--from now on the publishers will set the prices, not the e-retailers.

- Instant access to some research books, as I'm working on my stories. This is actually Very Dangerous. Right now I don't like the idea of reading a book on my computer, so I've resisted. But if I can load it onto something comfortable... ahhhhhhh! Good thing I'm creating a new budget. Will have to make a book budget.

- Can hide my addiction even better. Right now I have books lining the walls all over this apartment... this way I shall ever-increasingly hoard, and no one shall know!! Moua ha haaa. (You can store 1000 books, and then add more memory.)

- It comes loaded with 100 free classics--these books are free anywhere, cause they're public domain, but they'll still cost you at least $3 to buy them in paper form. And as a coworker said, you won't have to download these books yourself!

Cheap Moby Dick

Cheaper Moby Dick

- I'm really excited by the possibility of out of print books being put to ebook format--my guess is this will happen more and more, and hopefully become a standard. Can you imagine? They do this already with Regency romances. I'd love to see this happen with Jane Langton's out of print mysteries, I'd buy them all.

- I can read my dad, and my friends' writings on something other than the computer. I DISLIKE reading anything long on the computer.

- There are tons of great sci fi short stories available for free online, but I don't read those for the same reason. (Including some Connies!) I can also download longer articles and load those on the Kobo.

- And finally, I like to carry around more than one book with me, for My Many Moods. Usually a business book, non-fiction research, and fiction. This way I can bring just the fiction, and stock the non-fictions in my Kobo. Not sure that will help me get rid of wearing a backpack all the time but... occasionally!

It's all just... very exciting. My addiction reaches new heights.


BrotherPaul said...

Funny you mention Moby Dick. I was just reading on BoingBoing how the iPad book reader's nasty word sensor function, when one reads Moby Dick, edits out "sp**m whale!"

They didn't mention if it edits out Dick...

ladada said...

fwiw - the SONY store in town has two models of their readers on sale for almost half price ... about one eighty? or so -- don't remember. They have two sizes of readers ... in case this is of interest. I wonder if they're clearing them out to get rid of them before a new model arrives or because they figure when iPad hits the stores they won't sell many? ... These things had an original price around three hundred and change ...

London Mabel said...

Looks like the ones in that price range have half the memory. Though if you're not a book addict like myself, room for 350 books might be enough! I've never heard anything bad about the Sonys.

London Mabel said...

What does apple do with the books about sperm whales??

Unknown said...

I've been reading e-books on my iPod Touch, and so far have not been enjoying the experience. The screen is too small and I have a hard time keeping track of my place on the page. Also, if I happen to be mad at the protagonist, I can't throw my iTouch in frustration. You'll have to let me know what your verdict is on the Kobo eReader.

London Mabel said...

I haven't thrown a book since high school, so I MIGHT be okay.

If only I was Oprah, then I COULD throw my Kobo around!

Kristin said...

Happy birthday!

London Mabel said...

Thanks! It's not for another month and a half, but anytime within 2-3 months before a birthday is a good time to excuse expensive purchases.

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