Tuesday, April 13, 2010


With the arrival of the internets, have you ever suddenly come across a song that you had completely forgotten you once LURBED? I'm sampling an old Tina Turner live album that I loved as a teenager, and came across this duet with Eric Clapton:

Of course, nothing tops her Bryan Adams duet. Those two had a really rare electricity together. Sexual chemistry, but also just great theatrics. Awesome. AWWWEsome.

Speaking of the 80s, iTunes is having an 80s sale. So I finally caved and bought the Traveling Wilburys album I've been eyeing since it came out. Now there's an example of something I didn't even care for in the 80s, but I seem to have grown into. I suppose it was inevitable since my dad raised us on ELO. I've got the Lynne sound burned in my music-psyche.

And finally, another of my forgotten-faves, from Men at Work:


Kristin said...

I dunno... It's hard for me to take Bryan Adams seriously because of that Robinhood song. Kind of like it's hard to take Peter Cetera seriously because of that song from Karate Kid II (Well, and others too, but especially: "I am the man who will fight for your honor. I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of." Blech... I loved that song at five or so, but apparently you had better taste than I did as a little kid.).

I prefer the Clapton song. But then... It's increasingly hard to take Clapton seriously now that everyone is calling John Mayer the new Clapton.

And... Hmm... Adams *is* pretty soulful in that video...

London Mabel said...

The song that killed Bryan Adams for me was "I Wanna Be Your Underwear" -- which is about the same era as Robin Hood. But his first couple albums were just fun rock music.

As for my taste at the age of 5, all I can remember was Abba, and Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell album.

London Mabel said...

(The videos I posted were songs I either liked in elementary or high school. I'm an old lady, remember!)

Kristin said...

But aren't you only five-ish (or six?) years older than me?? I'm 30. Amazing how much of a generational difference there is with music, though.

I've never heard this particular Bryan Adams song... *goes to youtube*

London Mabel said...

I don't know, I was born in 1973.

But ya, in high school that's a world of difference--I can always see that with my friends who are only a few years younger than me.

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