Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ghosts of Bloggies Past 3

On April 17, 2007 I posted an entry called: "Those child soldiers, they're so hot right now." (You need to see Zoolander to get the joke.) I was at a talk by Ishmael Beah, intro'd by Romeo Dallaire. Here's some of the content of that post:

And here's another thing--ah yes, it's all coming back to me now. Dallaire chided us (well not me cause I'm over 30) for not being willing to go out in -40degree weather to protest to the govt about, whatever. Darfur or something. (I don't know, he was just trying to make the point that if we don't care enough about other people that -40 weather would stop us, then we suck.) And I thought, man, if they said they were gonna pass a law tomorrow, that all London-Mabels should be put to death, and it was -40 degrees, I still wouldn't go out and march. Where was all that activism in 60s? In Berkely, man. That's in Califor-nie-ay.

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