Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nanaimo to Vancouver

Alright, I've got my mom's power cord. We're back in business. (If you click on photos you can see them in a bigger size.)

Last Day in Nanaimo... went to the Mermaid's Mug for lunch

After we went for a walk down "Rhododendron Grove Garden. The Grove is in bloom from late February – July. The best display is from mid-April to mid-May. A tranquil woodland garden adopted by the Nanaimo Rhododendron Society. The Grove is situated in the Millstone Valley of Nanaimo’s Bowen Park. With over 350 rhododendrons to view it is just truly amazing."

Can you see me taking the photo?

Since we weren't in the mid-April to mid-May high season, sometimes it was
"Valley of the Rhodo-dead-rons."

Here is a photo of the tropical birds' playland. No one should own tropical birds unless they're willing to go this far, because they're very intelligent animals.

Traveling to Vancouver by Ferry:
from Duke Point to Tsawwassen.
This is the home of the Tsawwassen First Nation
--they just signed their first treaty in December.

In the olgen days, the ferry might have looked a little like this.

Farewell Vancouver Island!

Just a little cabin by the ocean. (Gabriola Island I guess?)

In the olgen days the houses seen along here would have looked more like this. Fishing villages, sometimes decorated with animals, sometimes flanked by totems.

Up on deck with my reading material.

And arrived at my mum's.
Here is one of the newer additions to her kooky animal family.
This is Oasis. He is The Paws That Refreshes.

And the other newbie is Bobby. This is his "Please sir, can I have some more?" look. He's had three seizures today so we took him to the vet and he's being put on the same meds as my cat. Hopefully, like Nombly, it'll make the seizures less frequent. He's supa friendly and supa cute.

Mystery basking by the fireside.

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