Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A verry merry unbirthday to me!

Step-mommy is in town, so tonight she, Pablo, Fernando and I went to see Indiana Jones for my slightly early birthday celebration. (Closure on the Marion Ravenwood story - yay!) I thought it would be appropriate because I usually watch Star Wars movies for my birthday--close enough.

As per tradition, I baked my own birthday cake. One layer one banana cake, a second layer of chocolate cake, and vanilla icing with walnuts.

My brother gave me a gelaskin for my laptop (which will soon really be Mine, because we're buying Pablo's desktop off him for Fernando to WoW-ize on.) I got to pick it out myself from a beautiful variety at the web site.

I liked these ones:

I chose this one -- the tea party from Alice in Wonderland.

Pablo bought himself this one:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pablo has excellent taste.

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