Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tales from an offline diary... s'more

Ap 14 7 PM

Blehhhh I hate this part. I've read the whole paper once, to edit it. But now I have to give it another read. Wether it's fiction or school, I hate rereading my writing for the millionth time. Where's the suspense? Where are the red herrings? The shattering reveal at the end when the detective has all the suspects in a room?? It's so boring. And you can't speed read either... I mean, the point is you have to read carefully. Sucks sucks sucks.

Once this is done I have to transpose this from my working program to word, and get started on the footnotes. Then add in the graphs and tables, which will result in many computer related headaches and disasters, not to mention Word shutting down all the time. As a Romantic poet once said: Happy am I. Joy is my name.

Ap 14 11:57 PM

God bless EndNote.

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