Friday, March 11, 2011

My new favorite French phrase: "Hansel. Il est tellement tendance."

I have a very old fashioned cable setup, so if I'm taping something on digital cable, I can't watch something else. (This is how you live on a low income with no debt, my friends. No PVR in this household yet. Just sayin'.)

So if I'm taping something I don't want to watch yet, I put on a DVD. My new thing is to find which of my DVDs have French dubbing!

Tonight was Zoolander. Next I'm starting Angels in America.


Simone said...

what a bad translation! LOL how are you supposed to actually LEARN!?!?

London Mabel said...

It's actually a good translation, but it's probably an expression used more in France than Quebec. (You can find lots of people on their blogs etc using it in this way.) I'm sure movies are translated with the European market in mind because the population of France (and French speaking Europe) is so much bigger than that of Quebec.

Simone said...

but "tendance" is a noun, not an ajective... I still dont get it.

Like: trend vs. trendy.

London Mabel said...

It's just an expression, as opposed to proper French.

Le cloud computing : tellement tendance mais si peu pratiqué

Les vacances en BZH c'est tellement tendance !

Lire la suite sur Les vacances en BZH c'est tellement tendance !

pour moi il n'était que Salvatore qui avait révélé à tout le monde que le velov, c'est tendance.

If you look up "être tendance" you also get a lot of hits. Considering how much it's used, I'm surprised this usage hasn't been added to my computer dictionary. Like the way we use "in" in English. (How to be "in" this season.)

4 mars 2009 ... 9 idées pour être tendance cet été

Choisir ses bottes pour être tendance en 2009 ?

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