So after the horror of Le Nèg, the next day I watched a sort of romantic comedy called Les Crabes dans la tête (Soft Shell Man in English, but it's a French-Quebec movie). It was great. Yesterday I watched a translated Breakfast Club while picking out pictures for my collage. I was never a John Hughes fan because I didn't identify with any of his characters, but the scene where they're all sitting around admitting why they're really there was even better than I remembered. It's too bad their careers all got Hughes-stink on them and they ended up as silly extras in other people's comedies.
Today I watched another episode of Toute la vérité (exshellent) and started up Fortier again since it's something I can watch while doing other stuff (yet it's still SO GOOD!) Then Fernando and I watched Snow Walker and Nanny McPhee (in English.)
My current French problem: My dictionary widget is too good. Each definition has the kind of information you get in big fat heavy dictionaries that you only need at the university level. Not what you need when you're looking for a quickie 5-word definition. I'm trying to find another one...
Ho hum, that's about it. Life's been good this week since the cat came back. Peaceful and unremarkable. I'm back to my old self-adoodle.
I'm glad you're back to your old self and continuing with your French lessons, and I'm so relieved that Minion is all right and back home now. I think both the cats are also relieved that she turned out to be all right and that's why they're being quiet and well-behaved. Also, she's got a lot to think about now, like: Did I do something that made me almost DIE and do I want to do it again? And will they take me back again if I do?
Good news!
Are we 'on' for Spaghetti Tuesday on Tuesday? or Monday?
Just today Fernando asked me: What time does Spaghetti Monday start?
So I guess we're on for tomorrow!
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