Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time for kitty pictures!!!

Fernando took these pics as I was packing up the Christmas tree, also known as Minion's Favorite Cat Toy.



She decides to stage a sit-in.

 "Shh hush. I love you Christmas tree."

nom nom nom

"I love you so."

At this point she appeared to have handcuffed herself to the tree.

THEME: Who Says There's No Sleep For the Wickeds?
(all you need is a comfy nap spot)


Trying to sneak up on Haley

Loo loo just sleeping here...

...raaaaw just streeetchiiiing...

...loo loo just -- F*CK OFF! --

THEME: There's No Schnoogle Like a Daddy Schnoogle 


Saturday afternoon...

...even winter sunshine brings out latent dreams of the Serengeti.

I thought Minion's most intense Cake Face was reserved for when she sees Haley. But having only got her last August, I'd never seen her "the return of the first birds after winter" face.  Woah là. It's going to be a struggle to keep the baby birds that like to practice flying to our balcony safe this spring.


dirtyduck said...

hahah these pics make me want to bring a kitty home! so much attitude:) lol i love the handcuff picture the most!

Unknown said...

This is just pitiful. She looks so sad!

Maggie said...

OMG, that is a Very Serious Cake Face. I feel like I should be very, very still.

London Mabel said...

@Duck - The people who don't like cats are the ones who can't appreciate a pet with 'tude.

@Kristin - Into every life a little rain must fall. Anyway, remain focused on those last pictures. Once the baby birds start landing on our balcony (why WHY do they always practice flying on our balcony??) it'll be "Christmas tree? What's a Christmas tree?"

@Maggie - You can see the tension in her shoulders. It's like she's gonna crash through the glass!

gmc said...

I can hardly wait to see the surprise and joy in her eyes next Christmas when the tree magically comes Baaaaack!!!

London Mabel said...

I'll time it to coincide it with the birds flying south.

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