Friday, November 5, 2010


I've somehow been sucked into watching Aurore, the more recent movie about a little girl in 1920s Quebec who was beaten to death by her father and step-mother. I am not at all in the right mood for watching depressing movies, but I got sucked in anyway. Most of the abuse happens offscreen, so maybe that's partly why I could stand it. And the woman playing the step-mother is frikking scary.

The Aurore case is super well known in Quebec--a sort of cultural phenomenon.

Ahhh! I take back what I wrote about the violence being offscreen. I had to mute the TV just now. Why am I watching this??


ladada said...

You're watching this because you are revelling in your good fortune at NOT having a step-mother like that? ;-) ...

P.S. Word Verification: sulgasme .... hmmm there must be a humorous definition for this "word" if I could just think of it!

London Mabel said...

Being in the sulks while having sex?

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