Thursday, November 18, 2010

11 642

I'm in that weird state where, while writing, I feel wide awake; but if I turn from the computer I'm sleeepy. Since I'm at a good part, I might as well give it up and go to bed.

I got caught up in a bunch of research about clubs and the beginning of jazz in New Orleans, so I've only been writing steadily the last hour or so. Now we can measure my actual writing speed:

3:26 - 9637
4:44 - 10 345 (708 words / 78 min)
6:00 - 11 642 ( 1297/76 mins)
2005 words / 154 mins = 13 words per minute

Need to write 3197 words per day to finish on time.
3197 / 13 = 245 minutes / 60 = 4 hours

I have to do 4 full hours of writing, excluding all the procrastinating and researching, per day.


ladada said...

I've noticed that I can be watching tv and can't stay awake, but then I move to my computer and Zingo! - wide awake... must be some electromagnetic radiation, visual brain corex stimulation 'thing' going on. I have read that research proves that watching tv and or other electronic things actually does alter our brain waves.

verification word: rablitin - defn': Ritalin for ADHD rabbits?

London Mabel said...

I always figured it was because being entertained (reading, watching tv) is fairly passive. Whereas writing a story, playing a game online, writing a paper require the brain to work more, so you feel artificially awake. Cause me too, tv = conk out.

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