Wednesday, June 23, 2010

whiling away the time

I'm kind of useless these days, so I don't do much more than listen to music, decorate Mabel's VeganEats, watch DVDs, and play around on the nets.

I find it soothing to choose new flooring and wall colors and chairs and decor for my virtual café. Give Sherry cuddles when he comes 'round. Ask his decorating advice. So far it's a mixture of Indian, Chinese and Tahitian decor.

I rewatched all of entourage, and the last season on DVD. I take turns watching Dr Katz or A-Team. (Hey, I don't have this DVD set! No fair!)

I'm listening to my new Gorillaz album a lot, and Basia Bulat, and tons of other stuff.

I know a woman who makes purses--everyone at work has them--so I asked her to make me a kobo pouch. Her things are made with recycled fabric, which I love, and she chooses what I can only call "hip" fabrics, like '80s greens. She made a few pouches and posted them on her etsy, so I spent some time choosing one, and then I chose a purse and a wristlet purse which also fits my kobo. I'm taking my new purse to the vet tomorrow, as encouragement, or good luck. Let's hope we don't have to put Sherrybones down, cause the poor purse will lose all its cachet.

My purse

My polkadot kobo pouch, and the wristlet

Since etsy shopping was soothing, I decided to look for a "purseket." I've wanted one since seeing the old TV ads, not only because it keeps your stuff organized, but you can pull it out of one bag and quickly move it to another. I use my backpack most days, so when I want to take a cute purse instead, it's a pain to transfer everything to and fro. But there are zillions of purse organizers on etsy, so I'm systematically working my way through them... soooothing...

I'm now going to go catalog my purses/backpack contents, while Haley sits outside watching the night go by, and Bones naps in his basket. Soooothing.

(* indicates important enough to put in trip-to-vet purse)

Backpack compartment 1 (meant for laptop)
- Tribute magazine in case I forget to bring a book

#2 (main compartment, esp used for doing groceries)
- wind breaker
- when I walk to work: uniform to change into
- 2 reusable shopping bags
- kobo and/or book*

#3 (smaller)
- wallet*
- umbrella
- mp3 player & high quality headphones
- mini accordion filer (for doctor appointments, important receipts, and mostly for bus schedules)

- kleenex stash*
- feminine protection
- tiny flashlight
- Tylenol with codeine (backup headache killer)*
- Zomig Rapimelt (my heavy duty headache killer)*

#5 (side compartment with "DUDE" key ring clipped to outside to remind me where my keys and bus card are)
- keys
- bus card
- change in case I forget to bring my wallet

#6 (other side compartment)
- sunglasses
- gum*
- jeweled blue pen & other pens*
- stylish mini notebook* (phone numbers, directions to vet, bus info when catsitting, story ideas, etc.)
- chapstick
- backup bus card, and bus card receipts
- hand cream from Stratford hotel
- Chapters gift card

#7 - mesh on outside of outer compartments
- garbage

- garbage
- drink packet
- library pamphlet
- receipts
- forgotten work sock to launder
- unneeded business card
- juice bottle

I'm thinking maybe I need to buy more than one purse organizer, of different sizes. The smaller one should have the *vitals* in it, and it can be curled in the middle of the bigger one with the lesser items. Then I can remove the vital one to the smallest of my purses, and only take out the bigger one when I have a big purse. Yes, this is a good plan. Now how many compartments do I need?

Will have to decide later. I must abed, and take that kitty to the internist tomorrow. Wish me luck New Purse!

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