Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Day - boots and bugs

Ahh no. I've turned into someone who goes to bed at 2 AM! I've been sleepy for hours, but fighting it. Can't... fight... no... more...

Even though a show on eating insects is one. Well luckily I saw most of it earlier in the evening. Here's a funny scene: A guy's crop of water bugs has all died off, because someone sprayed insecticide nearby. A key to running a good bug-growing-crop: No insecticide!

Today's weather was insane, but at least I got to wear my new wellies. I showed them off to everyone.

My kobo came in today! But I can't use it til Friday... hapoos.

Check out these photos: These are gigantic swarms of flies (midges) that gather on Lake Victoria to breed, then fly to the coast and die. Some people catch them and make patties out of them--very high in protein.


ladada said...

Mmmm.. Bug Burger... want one. Not. Say, if these midges had airplanes, would those be Midgets (midjets - get it?)... I got a million of 'em ... ha cha cha cha ... (ala Jimmy Durante - google).

Okay - up too early - must sleeeep.

ladada said...

Yay for the wellies by the way! At least the snow won't hang around long.

London Mabel said...

I don't need to google Durante - I iz a sophisticate.

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