Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Romance author Jennifer Crusie shares her house with a couple other women and their kids. Plus dogs and cats. She often writes about the jollifying they get up to, and I must admit it sounds fun and reminds me of when Delyriam and I used to live together, and Swiss Girl down the hall. Living with a girlfriend can definitely be a load of fun sometimes.

[The story I just read is of them adopting a dachsund, and having to adopt the toy poodle which the dachsund had adopted. And how Jennifer and her roommate are NOT dress-up-the-poodle types... aside from the hoodie, the duckie outfit, and t-shirts they buy her.]


Anonymous said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED my apartment down the Hall... It's #2 on my list of best places I have rented!

Had a walk in closet you know... sigh... it was SOOOOOOOOOO perfect!!!! (minus the shitty neighbours)


London Mabel said...

Thanks, thanks a lot. I thought we were great neighbours!

Anonymous said...

Is there any question that Jennifer Crusie is one of my favorite authors in the world?

That story is made of awesomesauce.

London Mabel said...

At one point McGill sold little doggy jackets with McGill logos and I had to buy them for my mum's dogs. She's not the froo froo type either, but once you have small dogs... it's irresistible!

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