Monday, September 21, 2009

Question of the day!

I only read one style/home design blog (Casapinka) and that's just because the woman is so frickin' funny.

Recently she and her little girl made cupcakes and tried to share them with people (at the park I think) and got NO takers after 8 tries. So now she's determined to start a sociology project of making cute cupcakes and offering them to strangers.

So in her last entry she's trying to make cupcakes, but they turn out all concave, so she fills them with pudding, but then she makes icing but uses granulated sugar instead of icing sugar:

Cruch, crunch, crunch. Yes, confectioner's sugar is that fine stuff and granulated sugar is - surprise - crunchy, sort of like the definition of "granulated." Frosting apparently requires the cocaine, rather than the kitty litter, of the sugar world.

Now I need to know: Would you take a homemade cupcake from a woman and her little girl?


BrotherPaul said...

"Kitty litter" I AMORE it!

BrotherPaul said...

To answer your question - I am hesitant to trust food from strangers - maybe cuz we were warned about razors in Halloween apples all those years - but I wouldn't turn away a cupcake offered by an eight year old.

Sock Monkey Mr T said...

I pity the fool that rejects an eight year old!

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