Sunday, August 16, 2009

books & bugs

I finally made myself finish the French-Canadian-in-French book I was reading: Nikolski. It's won a ton of awards and good reviews, and was recommended by a bookseller who reads everything under the sun, but... I never got into it. I really had to push through, and finally had to speed-read the last 1/4, which is hard for me to do in French! But I learned.

Maybe I'll take a glance through the award-winning English translation and see if there's something about the language which elevates this book, and which I missed out on. When I read Jane Urquhart's Away, I didn't love the story and characters, but the language was beautiful enough to make it worth finishing.

Or maybe I would have liked it better as an art-y movie.

At least it's done, and I can go on with my Connie Willis re-reading, and the continuation of the Georgia Nicholson series.

[Speaking of her little sister, who has once again crawled into bed with her.] I really love her. I kissed her on her forehead and without opening her eyes she slapped me and said, "Cheeky monkey." I don't know what goes on in her head. (Thank God.)

In other news, I finally got back to editing my story tonight. Sitting in the kitchen, with about 100 wee fly-bugs sitting up on the ceiling criticizing my writing. The weather's been so weird this summer, that everyone's having bug invasions. One talk radio dude was woken by his budgies, whose cage had been invaded by earwigs; and another radio host had a centipede crawling across her thigh while she was working one morning.

I've seen a couple earwigs, which we don't usually get in the apartment; a couple silverfish, which are normal; some flying-beatle-ing looking thing, many spiders (though they all disappeared this past week... maybe found more to do outside), a series of flies who hang out in the cool of the tree outside my window keep finding their way into my room (gap between screen and window) and then can't get out again, there's been the usual swarm of mosquitos, and then the little green flying bugs that look like tiny mosquitos-sans-stingers (maybe male mosquitos?) Plus one wasp, which Fernando had to trap and release (they're my biggest fear--I can share the same room with anything except bees and wasps), and then the moths.

The nights have still been cool, so we leave the balcony door and kitchen window open to let in the air, and so the cats can hang on the balcony--and these giant mothra moths keep getting in. Haley and Nombly lurv to eat them. She didn't know how to hunt when she got here, but learned from watching Nombly, and now she's a pro. Tonight she lept up on a screen window, had a moth trapped under one paw, and munched on it while hanging there, so she wouldn't lose it when she jumped off. A little moth snack. Like me with a bag of chippies.

Oh wait, there's a spider above my lamp. My brother and I once knew a guy who, everytime he saw a spider in his apartment, circled it with a pencil on the wall, and named it. We were at a party when he told us this, and someone said: What if it's the same spider, and now you've given it a complex?

Forgot to mention, I rented Becoming Jane from the library. Not very good, which is why I'd long avoided it. I would have preferred a biopic, rather than a sort of made up tragic love story.

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