Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm in love with K'Naan

I finally got a chance to give the whole K'Naan album a listen on my last couple walks to work. (I can't always listen to rap at home, cause I'm usually writing or reading at the same time, and all that talking is hard to block out.)

SO GOOD! I want to post a *favourite* but I'm having trouble choosing...

T.I.A. (I can't embed the real video, but it's great)


Take a Minute (live on QTV)

In the Beginning

"Is it true when they say all you need is love?
What about those who have love, only to find that it's taken away?"

And he's one of the few artists who actually still sounds intelligent in interview. (Not that Kanye West isn't entertaining as hell, but... you know.)

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