Monday, May 25, 2009

No bloodsucking today

Got up early today, had to go to Victoria Hospital for a blood appointment. The last time I got phlebotomized was in January 2008... cancelled an appt in Feb 08 because I was sick... never rescheduled.

I did not get a shaming from the doctor, however, because it turns out my results in Jan 08 were good--my ferritin (which reflects the amount of iron in your system) was back in the acceptable range.

So they just took a blood test, and I'm to go back in 6 months. Yay! No monthly appointments for now! Hemochromatosis is easier managed with women, because we dump some blood each month. So my doctor's only treatment advice for now? "Keep having periods."

Fernando came to my appointment with me... we had to wait 3 hooouuuurs. And even though I'd nagged him to bring a book with him, he didn't want to read it because it wasn't *the right atmosphere.*

After we went for breakfast, and ran into Jen & Chris (a couple we know because of the church they and Fernando grew up in, but who are now tattoo moguls.)

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