Tuesday, March 3, 2009

29.7 % Modern Yuppy

I've only recently finally taken a look at the blog: The Stuff White People Like. It's pretty funny.

"The name is sometimes controversial for suggesting racial stereotyping, although the blog is not about the interests of all white people, but rather a stereotype of affluent, environmentally conscious, anti-corporate white North American hipsters, typically holding a degree in the liberal arts.[6] Lander claims to be satirizing contemporary versions of yuppie culture.[6]"
(wiki description)

The full list is here... let's see how Modern Yuppy I am. I started from the bottom, and put an arrow next to the Ways I Am White, and an X next to the ones I am definitely not. Actually, this web site is a good description of downtowner-snobbery. The kind of people who call the West Island "Waste Island" and consider themselves superior to all those horrid suburban families. It's an attitude I dislike, though I'm more tolerant when it comes from a 20 year old than a 30 year old.

[I wondered why we sold these at work.] * #122 Moleskine Notebooks

* #121 Funny or Ironic Tattoos

* #120 Taking a Year Off

* #119 Sea Salt

* #118 Ugly Sweater Parties

* #117 Political Prisoners

* #116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore

-> Well... I blame that on the possibility of doing a PhD. ...Though maybe that's on the list too.

* #115 Promising to Learn a New Language

* #114 America

* #113 Halloween

-> Vegan. It's a staple. * #112 Hummus

* #111 Pea Coats

* #110 Frisbee Sports

* #109 The Onion

X I enjoy CM. But I don't try to Appear so. ;-) * #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music

-> Funny one. I linked it for you. * #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References

-> * #106 Facebook

* #105 Unpaid Internships

-> Am one? * #104 Girls with Bangs

-> Come on, I live in Canada! * #103 Sweaters

X OUT. * #102 Children’s Games as Adults

X Out. * #101 Being Offended

* #100 Bumper Stickers

-> * #99 Grammar

* #98 The Ivy League

-> * #97 Scarves

* #96 New Balance Shoes

* #95 Rugby

-> * #94 Free Healthcare

* #93 Music Piracy

-> Well yes hello. * #92 Book Deals

-> Ha ha ha haaaaa. * #91 San Francisco

X Not when you have a cat who might pee on your guests. * #90 Dinner Parties

* #89 St. Patrick’s Day

-> ...Well I don't go looking for them! * #88 Having Gay Friends

X Okay I have a Northface jacket, but that was cold desperation, not pretension! * #87 Outdoor
Performance Clothes

* #86 Shorts

* #85 The Wire

* #84 T-Shirts

-> * #83 Bad Memories of High School

X Out. * #82 Hating Corporations

-> * #81 Graduate School

* #80 The Idea of Soccer

* #79 Modern Furniture

-> Yes if I had kids. But I do live in Quebec. * #78 Multilingual Children

-> * #77 Musical Comedy

X I hate drinking. * #76 Bottles of Water

* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada

* #74 Oscar Parties

* #73 Gentrification

* #72 Study Abroad

X Suburbs. * #71 Being the only white person around

* #70 Difficult Breakups

-> I could be. * #69 Mos Def

* #68 Michel Gondry

X Out! * #67 Standing Still at Concerts

X Out! (for me anyway) * #66 Divorce

X Sports. That's a dirty word in my world. * #65 Co-Ed Sports

-> * #64 Recycling

* #63 Expensive Sandwiches

X Not after taking Poli classes. * #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People

-> * #61 Bicycles

* #60 Toyota Prius

X Out. * #59 Natural Medicine

* #58 Japan

* #57 Juno

* #56 Lawyers

-> * #55 Apologies

-> The hand blender is a New Classic. * #54 Kitchen Gadgets

-> :-) * #53 Dogs

X Can't stand her. * #52 Sarah Silverman

X Too poor. * #51 Living by the Water

-> ?I guess. * #50 Irony

X Too lazy to go downtown to shop. * #49 Vintage

* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops

-> * #47 Arts Degrees

* #46 The Sunday New York Times

* #45 Asian Fusion Food

* #44 Public Radio

-> (Read, not watched.) * #43 Plays

* #42 Sushi

* #41 Indie Music

-> * #40 Apple Products

* #39 Netflix

* #38 Arrested Development

* #37 Renovations

X No. (See: Being vegan.) * #36 Breakfast Places

-> * #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report

-> I could go there. * #34 Architecture

* #33 Marijuana

-> Guilty as charged. * #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism

* #31 Snowboarding

* #30 Wrigley Field

* #29 80s Night

X Ha ha. Hellz no. * #28 Not having a TV

* #27 Marathons

* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)

-> Bought a book, but haven't read yet. * #25 David Sedaris

* #24 Wine

* #23 Microbreweries

* #22 Having Two Last Names

* #21 Writers Workshops

X Enough Poli Sci will kick that one out of you. * #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture

-> * #19 Traveling

-> Without reading the details: Probably. * #18 Awareness

X Alas no. * #17 Hating their Parents

* #16 Gifted Children

* #15 Yoga

* #14 Having Black Friends

-> Especially purchased at 75% off, and then my 30% employee discount on top! So I have real
snotty teas. * #13 Tea

* #12 Non-Profit Organizations

(??wtf?) * #11 Asian Girls

* #10 Wes Anderson Movies

X DEFINITELY NOT!! #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside

* #8 Barack Obama

-> Of course! * #7 Diversity

-> A little. * #6 Organic Food

-> Would be, if I had one handy. * #5 Farmer’s Markets

* #4 Assists

* #3 Film Festivals

* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to

* #1 Coffee

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