So now that I've been out of school for months, and have caught up with family, and have caught up with myself, and have caught up with my husband and cats... I've slowly got to catch up with friends.
I've seen Mae and Midnightstreet and that little circle of friends. I've seen Mr Gilbs. I've been in facebook and email contact with Yea Aulde High School Best Friend (though we've both been too lazy to follow through on a face to face meeting.) I've been in email contact with my childhood best friend, and my old church best friend. (An older lady I once knew told me she keeps one friend from each period of her life. I thought it was great advice, and try my best.)
I fired off a little facebook email to an old work acquaintance, Amanda, to see what's new with her. And I randomly send comments to random other facebook folk I know, to keep the wheels greased. There's been radio silence from Friend Paul and his girlfriend since they moved south to do the next degree... better send an email there... hold on. Okay I'm back.
I haven't seen Rrrraquel since the winter, but she's been busy--I've had some email contact at least. Will be time to see her soon. I just emailed my Late High School Best Friend, Cide (or Super Banana), cause it's definitely been over a year since I've seen her. And I've emailed an old work-and-book-sales buddy (my book enabler) because I haven't seen her since her wedding.
Have I missed anyone. Oh! My American friends! I have fairly regular e-relationships with KR, JB and CCB.
And now that I'm back at work more, I'm seeing all my work buddies.
I haven't had the sort of friendship where I go out with someone regularly in years, I must say. I think I went out with Mae and Gilby the most, but then school happened, and then Mae left school and moved further out, and Gilby moved even further. I only saw Pablo and Delyriam regularly--and in this last year, Pablo. I tend to fill my life with sooo many hobbies and interests that I can easily hobbit-hole for long periods of time, but I think school was also giving me an artificial sense of an effortless social life. I knew so many interesting and funny people, and because we were in Poli Sci, the interesting and stimulating conversations just dropped from the sky like Shakespeare's Mercy. Not to mention seminars, which were essentially 3 hour long conversations.
So now there's no school, so I can't fake it. While I can hobbit-hole away, I know myself... I know I need to push myself into some actual sit-down conversations. I'd invite people over if I didn't have a cat who gets into pee-mode when the moon is in the right phase, and runs around like a Peeing Bandit. Maybe if I stick a couple chairs and a mini fridge in the foyer of the apartment...
Interestingly, this season of House will I guess be exploring the idea of friendship a bit, as Wilson has finally ended his rather poisonous relationship with House. And now House has to figure out if finding another doctor who pays for his food, likes Monster Trucks, and has a conscience is enough to replace Wilson. Or he could just keep paying the private eye to listen to him.
Mmhmm, I see how the Americans are afterthoughts on the roll call list.
I am honoured to be in the first paragraph of friends!
OMG, House. I feel very late in commenting on this, but did you not die for that season finale? I cried. And Eyal was very upset that I had forced him to feel emotions by making him watch. I am not buying this whole Wilson is gone thing. How can he be gone? We NEED Wilson! We LOVE Wilson!
Isn't there a running joke that House hires out for sex? It would make sense for him to hire out for friendship as well.
(And also, I am instantly fond of P.I. dude. Although he makes all the Ducklings sort of redundant.)
I am lazy. Thankfully - we have equal expectations of one another.... THANK GOD!!!!!
I love no-pressure friends!
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