Crap my head's been getting worse all day. It's definitely worse when I have to do a lot of sitting around bent over papers all day grading kinda stuff--it was during grading last semester that my headaches became really unbearable. The Tyl/codeine isn't working now. The last few days, if I press on the muscles in my upper back they're more painful than they've been in months.
I'd love to go out and walk down the hill, get some groceries, get a little movement... but I have to get this blasted grading done, and it takes so long... I can't interrupt myself for more than 30 min/1 hour, or else it's too hard to get back into it.
1 comment:
Things that used to trigger my headaches and still occasionally try to - in case there's anything of use for you:
1. Dehydration - often cause by just not drinking enough, but also frequently caused by eating foods before bedtime that required a lot of water to digest. This includes salty junk food snacks, but most of all, sugary snack (Ice Cream, cake, etc.. none of that after supper and only small portions at supper special occasions.) Chips and pretzels. Popcorn was really bad! Dry to begin with, and high in carbohydrates which seem to suck a lot of water out of my body to digest.
2. Dehydration leads to nasal congestion. Which leads to clamping of teeth trying to breath against congestion. Which triggered mega headaches after sleeping a night like this.
3. As you mentioned, sitting over a desk for a while would aggravate the situation.
Also, fwiw, once vit. D was cut back in diet and sunexposure, I immediately noted improvement. And now I snack with almost impunity before bedtime with no fear of headaches starting up. FWIW
I hope this will resolve better for you soon! When will the papers be finished so you can "chill" a little?
love, Dad
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