Saturday, March 5, 2011

Organization and Kittization and Illustration at Casa di Mabel

Productive day today. Did some paperworky things, library run, and organizing the livingroom. We don't just watch TV in here--we do paperwork, and work on our hobbies, so it's always filled with all kinds of Life. Teeming with life!! Now is the time to get to all that organizing type stuff.

Like my jewelry. I had it squished onto one messy shelf, but I moved this unit to my livingroom. So I finally dug out the wall organizer my mother bought me a dog's age ago, but that I could never find when I needed it/and always found when I didn't.

Ahh menowz. That's better! My organizational heart glows every time I walk past.

Now I need to figure out what to do with my scarves when the winter ones move into the front hall cupboard.


Then there are forces in my apartment that are beyond my control, like kittatudes.

Fernando always complains that I don't sit next to him on the couch. Of course, everyone knows that sitting in the middle of the couch is poopy cause you don't have a side table for your drink! But I'm nothing if not resourceful.

I found a good sippy cup.

And I use the side of the couch as my side table.  [Note the blanket my husband gave me for Christmas. You see why he's worth sitting in the middle of the couch for.]

[File folder, clipboard, basket with gum and glasses etc, kleenex, headphones, magazines, stack of books, letters from grandmothers, folder for book ideas, camera, etc.]

My "side table" was made bigger one day because Fernando took the back cushion off for some reason, and Haley stole it. She almost never comes off it. It's the perfect size for a cat, and for some reason Minion lets her have it.

Strategically placed on sideboard dividing kitchen from livingroom. The Haley sees all the action. Excellent view of eating activities at the kitchen table.

An artistic rendering in one of the daily letters to Fernando. (Can't remember if I mentioned it here, but Fernando has challenged me to write him 365 letters this year.) I don't draw very well, but I like illustrating my letters, and he likes them.

More illustrations:

Feeding time.

Treebeard from Lord of the Rings.

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