This CVing is killing me. I'm procrastinating like I'm a student all over again! I must be having a psychological block. It's traumatic. I caught up on a few blogs yesterday, but not the Betties (69 unread posts!)
I just wrote ONE LINE. And felt I could reward myself by coming here to tell you that Minion has become so talkative! She wasn't very talkative when she first arrived here, but she's learned this is how one must communicate with the hu-mahns.
I looked at her just now and it was all "Squemreeemoewmeow!"
The other day Fernando woke up and came out and she ran to him and spoke for a good 30 seconds. I don't know if she was saying goodmorning or telling him everything she did since he went to bed.
And when I push her off somewhere she's not supposed to be it's never without a loooong protest.
When I picked her up from the vet recently I was wondering with the vet tech whether it was warm enough (considering that she was recovering from being ill) to take her on the bus home and save some money and suddenly she said: "Meowrowreeeeowrowrowmeowmeowrow!" I looked down at the cage in surprise and said: "Fine, I'll spring for the 20 bucks, geez!" And she replied with another indignant meow, and then was pretty quiet.
Apparently she chirruped EVERY time someone went past her cage too. The tech knew every time someone walked past cause she heard: "Brrrip?"
It's pretty amusing.
But amusing won't get the CV written.
It's cute NOW but it'll wear off when it keeps you from sleeping!! JR chirps and talks NON stop!! One things that is TOO CUTE is that he actually says bye bye when I leave the house! I look him straight in the eyes and say: Bye Bye and he responds with a double chirp! "wra-wra" It's amazing! We go back an forth like this a few times. "bye bye" "wra-wra" "bye bye" "wra-wra". It's the only time he ever double chirps...
CV - break it into little chunks? ... one paragraph at a time then reward yourself?
I'm about to take each outline point of my article and put it into a new Scrivener empty doc. Then I only have to face writing one point in each page.
Right now when I think about staring I get lost in the details of the entire outline and where am I and blah blah - so do nothing ...
Small easy bits --- maybe that'll get us both going?
I blame it on brain fog and spring fever ... buds coming out everywhere this week.. except in my imagination and energy nodes...
Well by next week my Ball&Chain will be gone, and then I can really focus! (I can blame him, right?) I got the summary part kicked off, so it should be easier to get back into when I try it again.
@Simone - She doesn't do it while I'm sleeping yet. Actually I don't remember JR waking me up with talking, when I catsat. I wear earplugs. It's when he attacks my feet in the gap at the end of the bed!! That little beast!!
wra wra.
Chloe, the feral calico who lives in my apartment, talks to me and I love it. We have extended conversations where she says something, then listens with interest to what I say in response, then says something else ... It makes me feel as though she thinks of us as 'in a relationship', like roommates. That gives me hope that she's really settled in here and that someday she may even let me touch her, although I coaxed her inside last June and she hasn't let me touch her yet. She shows no interest at all in ever living outside again, but she may never get over being a feral kitty. Still, she's well-mannered and social and she knows how to have a conversation! What more could I ask of a furry roommate?
Hi JR!
@ Nancy - whenever you post a comment I can see it in my mail, but not here. It's very mysterious, I guess that's a setting you have? So then I don't know how to reply! lol - I'll take a chance that you'll see this.
That's hilarious, and also sweet. That definitely sounds like she's settled in and trust you. The other thing I find cats do when you talk to them is flick their tail a bit. They'll be relaxing somewhere, and you baby-talk at them and then: flick-flick!
It's kind of you to let a feral bunk with you, since it's hard to bond with someone who isn't giving you some cuddle time. But as you say, she sounds like the perfect roomie. :-)
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