I felt it was time to redecorate my café. I had lots of money saved up, so I could re-do it all from scratch. My original Mabel's VeganEats was started by Fernando. You have to cook and make money to afford better furniture, so here's the evolution.
I don't have a pic of what I inherited, but I turned in wood floors and blue walls for some nice tiles and tasteful paint. I could only afford a few fancy tables and chairs, so I made a VIP lounge.
Here I tried a new setup, but it wasn't working somehow, people weren't getting served or something. There was now a kiddy corner, and still a VIP section.
I afforded more matching tables, and a new VIP corner.
This was my latest decor--I took all the various pieces I'd purchased over time, and made many different themed sections. Sort of a banquet hall on one side...
This was my latest decor--I took all the various pieces I'd purchased over time, and made many different themed sections. Sort of a banquet hall on one side...
a cozier section on the other side, and a special corner for the single person--with puppy company. Next time I'm going to decorate ALL in bookcases and puppies. (There's no kitties.)
But for now, here's my new up-do.
You can only configure the tables certain ways, with one person per. So there's a lot of strategy! involved. Now I need to cook up some food on my stoves.
How much is that doggie on the menu? woof woof!!
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