Friday, August 13, 2010

Party pooping

Some dude from JetBlue is lamenting the lack of seriousness with which the rant-and-deploy-chute story is getting:

“Slides deploy extremely quickly, with enough force to kill a person,” he wrote. “Slides can be as dangerous as a gun, and that’s the reason we have intensive initial and recurrent training. It is an insult to all aviation professionals to have this particular element of the story treated without the seriousness it deserves.”

Oh come on, stop trying to spoil our fun! It's one of the most enjoyable stories I've read this year, even if it turns out to have happened differently than originally reported. The mental image of an employee telling off customers, then making a dramatic exit--it's... I'm gonna say it... it's awesome.


BrotherPaul said...

Actually... That quote sounds a lot like a conversation I had yesterday with a certain relative of ours, but I won't name names... Perhaps Ladada would know... : )

London Mabel said...

Then I guess the guy's right, that anyone in the industry would see this differently. ...But I refuse to be parted from my fantasy! "Goodbye suckahs!" [pulls handle] "Weeeeeee!"

that's me! said...

Yeah - making a dramatic exit from the job is one thing - but endangering fellow employees goes too far.

Maybe it's the equivalent of someone setting off a small bomb in Chapters before dissing the customers over the PA, stealing some product and skipping out.

Leaving behind tens of thousands dollars of ruined books and having exposed fellow-booksellers to injury takes the 'glamour' down a shade or so.

ladada said...

Oh yeah and while I'm raining on his parade I also meant to mention that flight attendants are onboard to meet FAA safety requirements. By abandoning his post when he did he actually violated that law too and in some small but true way - he abandoned his passengers and placed his company at risk of a fine.

BTW, as for me, when I had days when I just wanted to bail out, I'd fantasize flying my airliner under the Lions Gate bridge before landing at some out of the way airport and dissappearing into the desert - never to be heard from again. ;-)

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