Sunday, July 18, 2010

munching munchy munch

Listening to:

So I didn't do any work while eating my lunch at work. Talked with husband while eating supper at home, but, like, I wasn't going to tell him: Shh! I'm eating!!

But I had an interesting moment a couple hours ago when I went to get a bit of herb loaf to snack on. I was cutting a piece, and thought: "Shit. If I cut too big a piece, I'll be bored as I sit around eating it." That was the moment where I was Seriously Tempted to cheat on my experiment. I wanted to eat my snack and watch something dammit!!

Instead, I just sat on the couch. Munch munch munch. Let my mind wander, as usual. Nom nom nom.

1 comment:

dirtyduck said...

lol good for you sticking with it!!

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