Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh the racism of it all!

Worth a read: 50 Most Racist Films... and here's something a commentor wrote:

Deaf Indian Muslim Anarchist wrote:

Ok I thought about the list and I wanted to throw it out there: INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM.

Ugh. I felt ashamed and embarrased to be Indian for a long time after I first saw it on a VHS tape in 1989. The movie really FUCKED me up. I felt that Indians were filthy, inferior, primitive humans who liked to eat monkey brains and baby snakes, that we were all silly, brainwashed followers who’d fall to our knees on the floor and bow down to a statue of an evil god.


BrotherPaul said...

#1 - "Breakfast at Tiffany’s takes the motherfuckin’ rice cake."

Yeah, Mickey Rooney really does stand out like a sore thumb in an otherwise fabulous film... And for no reason! There is absolutely no reason for a white guy to be playing a blatantly racist character in that film. It strikes me every time I see that film.

Seeing The Gods Must Be Crazy on that list saddens me... I can't argue, but I so enjoyed it when I was a kid.

Is there any way to defend The Party? I love it so much, and yet cannot defend it. Hell, I'd move it further up this list!

Kristin said...

Yes, they were definitely right to put in "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

A lot of those movies came out when I was very, very young, and I'd never seen most of them.

I do think maybe "Slumdog Millionaire" should've been included.

I was pretty shocked that "Back to the Future" wasn't in there.

Also, that horrible Sally Field vehicle "Not without My Daughter."

In fact, there was relatively little coverage of anti-Arab/Persian/South Asian/Islamic racism in the list. And that's such a huge component of contemporary popular culture that it seems like a glaring oversight.

Kristin said...

Oh, and I heard that the most recent Indiana Jones installment was pretty horrific as well.

And "Taken" should've been on the list.

Also, "The Last King of Scotland."

Kristin said...

Also several very recent films:

District 9
Avatar (and its predecessor, Dances with Wolves)
The Princess and the Frog (from what I've read... this one I have not seen)
The Dark Knight

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