Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I've got Oprah and Dr Phil on mute today, as I eat breakfast and internetize. Oprah had Ted Haggard--I couldn't stomach much of that one. But I see something promising on Doc Phil: A return to normal topics!

For the past few years I've stopped watching him as he became too sensationalistic, chasing around criminals, and following only the most fucked up/weird/unusual families who have problems that a majority of us can't identify with or benefit from.

When he first appeared on Oprah many many years ago, and when he started his own show, Fernando and I watched him all the time. He talked about normal marital fights and child-rearing problems, common fears people have, etc.--and offered sensible tips on how to handle them, many of which I benefited from. But success clearly got to him, and once he started in on selling diet products I was OUT.

But today he's talking about the surprises people get after marriage if they don't know each other well enough. (She can't name his three best friends!) And tomorrow's show is about people who need to "grow up!" Ahhhh noooormal topics.


Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I stumbled upon Dr Phil today, as well.

And the banal topic sucked me in where the wacky ones would have had me looking for something else to watch.

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

Ick. So, Ted Haggard is back on the talk show circuit, I guess... He's got that documentary on HBO (The review I read said it consists of nothing but him going, "Yeah, so I'm a loser now" while his family follows him around. Sounds...dull.), and just in time for the doc's release... A "young man" from his church alleges a years-long sexual relationship with Haggard. Heh... In a way, I do feel a sense of schadenfreude over the whole thing.

As for Dr. Phil... Yeah, pretty much what you said. I can't really stand to watch him anymore either. My therapist sees him as an unethical hack and thinks it's shameful that someone could do what he does with the degree she has.

London Mabel said...

Actually, now I find he's very antsy about that (common) accusation, because he's started pulling away from giving advice, and just arranges therapy for people. But then what's the point of being on tv?

I didn't think his advice was hackee or harmful when he was talking about the usual self-help, but he eventually went way beyond.

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