Thursday, December 4, 2008

Meesa so tired of Harper

Shucks, looks like we're not gonna get our Star Wars senate nonconfidence moment after all. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

But are his CloneTroopers in place??!!

London Mabel said...

I guess if this were Star Wars he'd be the *good guy* and Dion would be Palpatine? With Layton and Duceppe as various members of his secret alliance?

Kristin said...

Yeah, so, erm... How's things? Very troubling indeed, this business of suspending oversight by an elected body. And I've heard from others up there that you've inherited the whole "ZOMG SOCIALISM!" meme, which is, well, unfortunate indeed. Meanwhile... How is Quebec dealing with all this?

Anonymous said...

I've emailed the Three Amigos, asking just what the heck will be their policies to "save us" should they take over.

No reply.

Of course not. They're currently too busy stumbling over themselves with glee at the thought of gaining the reins of power.

I'm so tired of politicians. Where are the leaders?

As someone once said, in a democracy you get the leaders you deserve. Ouch! Oh too true. Are the 'great democracies' of the world descending into the same self-centered nonsense that makes so many other parts of the world ungovernable? Maybe... just maybe.

Kristin said...

Hmm... Well, I wouldn't call "self-centered nonsense" the reason for political strife in various "other" parts of the world as much as structural constraints and historical contingency.

Also, I mean... Anything can happen. There's nothing superior about "us" that makes North America anymore, erm, inherently governable than anywhere else.

London Mabel said...

I can't really say anything on behalf of Quebec--I've been so busy at work I haven't had a chance to talk to any live humans about it, and all my facebook friends who comment about it are McGill students who come from elsewhere! And media wise I haven't done more than read the basics.

This apparently hasn't affected our provincial liberal party for their upcoming election against the provincial separatist party; but I would assume it's hurt the Conservatives in Quebec more than they were already hurt when they cut arts funding before the last election. I mean... when you say that a coalition with the Bloc isn't what "Canadians" voted for... er um... you've just called every person who voted for the Bloc a non- Canadian. Nice. One of the many reasons I'm sick of Harper. The other 3 monkeys don't bother me so much, though I agree with one radio host that this might just end all their careers. (Well the Liberal leader is already stepping down next year.)

I get the impression that this whole thing is much more dramatic for the Prairies, actually. They're the ones who support Harper, often just because the Liberals and NDP often don't do enough to convince them that anything matters outside of Ontario and Quebec. They look at the coalition and recoil in horror.

Anyway... the economic troubles of the day haven't personally hit me yet, maybe that's how I can be so blasé. ;-)

(Kristin - my husband says to say hi! lol)

London Mabel said...

to dad: Ho ho! You'll be on the ndp email list now, don't worry. I somehow got on their mailing list and Jack talks to me all the time! Actually, he was canvassing in my friend's neighborhood before the last election, and my friend was quite star struck. ;-)

Honestly, I don't see the coalition move as just a "power grab." Harper is really aggressive, and acts like he has more authority than his minority gives him. I'd be more upset if the opposition was NOT reacting to that. (Their reactions may have been badly done/planned, but they did get the govt to back down on the funding thing.)

Maybe in Dion's case, though, it was too much about ego--I mean, how can people see you as an alternative leader when you've already decided to step down (and people have long expected you to do so?)

Kristin said...

Hey, tell your husband I said hi!

Kristin said...

You know, it is really, really hard to find any American news outlets reporting on this... I've been reading the CBC in order to get a basic sense of what's going on. We suck, Americans. Yep.

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