Sorry, I may have given a mistaken impression in my last posting when I said things were "peaceful." I didn't mean to imply that the cats were acting peaceful... just normal. Which is peaceful to me. In reality Minion is bugging the crap out of Haley. Meaning, life is back to normal. Re a reader comment, I'm not so sure Minion has really come face to face with the fact of her mortality. From the way she flings herself from to and from the furniture, I'm not convinced.
Just finished reading a novel, time to pick another. Better get back to a French book. Got to decide if I want something light or literary or what. I don't have as much Light in French. Harder to find, at least stuff that's inexpensive. May have to depend on the library, come to think of it. Even though I live in such an Anglophone community, my library carries a ton of French books--almost as much as the English, except there just isn't as much available in French as in English. I'm not sure if that's because there are more Francophones around here than I realize, or has something to do with government funding.
Anyway, decide tomorrow. Must go to bed. Here I am going to bed at a good hour (4 AM) but stupid daylight savings makes it seem like a naughty time (5 AM). I should be working for a jazz club, or for a rock star or something.
when I was practicing my German, I would read books I already read in English. I started with Fairy Tales, then fluff books like Dallas and Flowers in the Attic. So - if I didnt understand every word, I still understood the context.
I would do that for a totally new language, but for French that would be too dull--my French is advanced enough that I can read most books. I just wouldn't attempt anything that in English I would find challenging--really artsy, or philosophical.
Written French is easier for me than spoken, really, because I'm not a very aural person, even in English. I absorb written material quicker. So I do watch movies in French that I've already seen in English, to try to break my dependence on reading French subtitles.
Also, if I'm going to read in French, I prefer to read Quebec or French literature. So most of the books I own aren't translations.
I absorb written language better too. And I actually thought I was decent enough at spoken French until I went to Montreal--where I understood *very little* of anything anyone said... It sounded *not at all* the same to my ears.
I probably have deeper (and more readily refresh-able skills in German (which I did throughout high school and continued in college).
Am best at speaking Portuguese colloquially. Could at one point do this rather well, though it would need lots of work now.
Best at reading at a deeper level in French, c/o the Philosophy degree.
Unfortunately, I'm not great with any one particular language.
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