Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yah, people tell me I have a big ego, but really my ego is tiny compared to my Enormous Talented Genius!

Gave my website a little update-ey. I re-watched the videos on my "what I'm laughing at" page -- it's nice to have a little cache of one's favourite comedy, to help fill up one's Good Moodness when needed.

I also updated "what I'm listening to" -- every month or two I go to my lastfm page, which tracks everything I play on my iTunes, check out what I've listened to the most, and pick out a few of my faves.

My day in procrastination

I wrote a few nano words today. Then as usual got swept away into research (the Sunset Limited line between San Francisco and New Orleans in 1918, Pullman cars, segregation on the train lines) and then we watched a movie, and then I talked to one of my besty-friends, and then I did the dishes and made peanut butter cookies, and then I blogged and emailed with another besty, and my mumsy.

I just finished the last two blog entries for November, for A Great Attraction. I'll need to post a couple for the first days of December, since I usually nano pretty close to the deadline and then crash. But those can wait.

And might I add, I have a wonderful, loving and supportive family, and gang of friends. I loves them all -- mouah! mouah!

We rewatched Revenge of the Nerds last night

Here's one of my favourite lines. Posted for at least my amusement, if not yours.

Latest mabeltalk posts, so you can catch what interests you :-)

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