Monday, January 3, 2011

Minion Vs Christmas Tree: Things fall into a humdrum routine

Sorry I fell behind on the Minion Christmas Tree wars. Just a bit too much going on. Here's the pics from December 30th...

 I wake up to find that Minion is now redecorating the tree, not just dismantling. She moved the angel from high up, and placed on a lower bough.

The usual casualties...

The remorseless perpetrator.

I was taking pics of her on the heater, and she attacked my hair.

A strand of lights were burnt out, again. (I still have one strand that I couldn't find the fix for.) I did find the bulb for this one eventually.

Minion considers attacking at the root... or rather, the bolts holding up the tree.

I tried pushing up all the low lights, so they're more hidden and wound in the branches, and not hanging down temptingly. You will see in a coming post that this was completely futile.

 Incidentally I finally removed the pillow from under the tree, which she never sat on. Once it was gone, THEN she sat on it.


 Fernando crooning to Haley.

Minion watches from high atop her tower.

(A tower that USED to belong to Haley, as you can see by the sign.)

Kitten stealing my blanket and my book.

Tune in after midnight for the Final Shocking Episode of Minion Vs the Christmas Tree!

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