Hold tough kid!! Don't let them beat you down!!
No one understands... stuffed animals are REAL. You can't just give them away! What's wrong with these people? They're not toys, it's not about having stuffies (or aneemals was the technical term I invented as a child) to play with.
I just watched Hoarders for the first time the other night. I feel like my mom has a wee bit of that going on. I may too, but in an organized, pretty way. Fine line between hoarding and collecting, right?
Yes, I think it's a symptom of our overly consumer-materialistic society. It's so easy to amass a large quantity of things.
Not sure how I feel about these shows. There's kind of a whole *genre* of reality shows here about hoarding and addiction. There are three cable shows just about hoarding, and they're usually followed by shows about addicts (like "Intervention" and "Addicted"). I have to admit that I can't stop watching whenever I turn them on, but... It seems really icky to me, capitalizing off of mental illness and personal tragedy. Even worse than Dr. Phil icky. In the episode I watched not too long ago, this guy had stuff piled all the way up to his domed ceilings. To serve the narrative function of the show, the producers convinced him to show the mess to his girlfriend (who had never seen the inside). Her reaction (predictably for people who haven't dealt with this) was horrified and disgusted. It just seemed...really mean. It's slightly better if the producers of the show at least provide some sort of therapeutic/medical treatment to the person.
I had a friend in college whose father was very much like this. I saw the house after he died--he hadn't been able to live in it in over 20 years. My understanding is that pathological forms of this behavior are usually consistent with OCD and/or addiction.
By the way, the cat hoarding shows always bother me the most... I'm not even a cat person, but seeing hundreds of malnourished, sickly cats in someone's home is just awful. In those cases, I'm less concerned about the well-being of the hoarders themselves and just think this kind of cruelty to animals should be more vigorously prosecuted.
Many consider it to be attached to OCD, but not in all cases--I guess cause there's a lot of variety in the bases.
The one I've watched (called Hoarders) always provides some sort of follow-up care. So I assume that's the price of your dignity. Well, plus in most episodes the person is either going to be evicted, or have their children removed from the home. But there's no doubt, it's gotta affect your self dignity to be on tv with this stuff!!
I've never watched the other addiction/intervention shows, though I've seen the ads.
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