Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Haley the Wannabe Library Cat

Ever since I met her, Halzebub yells at me when I get out of the shower. I assume she learned in childhood that shower = leaving the house for 9 hours.

But I've confused her! Because I don't always shower before work, and sometimes I shower the night before. However... she has adapted.

If I shower at night, she doesn't give me the Song & Dance. But if I shower in the day, or if she sees me standing at my cupboard door getting dressed, then she does. She's accurate about 90% of the time.

Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!

I hold her, I sing Bob Marley songs to her, but nothing helps.

I'm not sure if she's mad that I'm leaving, or mad that I'm not taking her with me. I suspect she aspires to be the Dewey of my bookstore. A more aggressive version, taking swipes at booksellers if they're about to shelve the book in the wrong place. Attacking the children riding the plazmacars. Selling the discount card.

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