Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Every once in awhile internetting drags me off into long tangents, like the morning I spent reading about Jonestown. One tangent I always have to resist is Scientology. This is such a criminal organization, it makes me mental. At least mobsters and biker gangs don't masquerade as self-help religions.


Anonymous said...

Did we tell you about Shelley washing their dishes?

Unknown said...

Oh my god, you too? Yeah, I recently got sucked into reading about Scientology, and it sucked up like three hours in the middle of the day. I kept seeing blogs wondering if John Travolta's son was treated with whatever medications he may have needed, so I went off reading about their lie detector tests and "getting clear" and how they're all getting people to believe this sci-fi story about aliens. And L.Ron Hubbard said, "If you want to make money, starting a new religion is where all the money is."

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