Well yesterday Fernando and I (mostly the brave Fernando) finished clearing out Pablo's apartment. Some things he ran out of time to take out, or that we'd decided to keep. (I even exchanged his kitchen sink plug for the one in our apt, that's always been broken. A scavenger til the end!)
It sort of depressed both of us being over there. I think for Fernando it was more a mourning of the passage of the marriage--he hates to see people break up. For me, it was a bit broader... just 11 years of shared history. It's very strange to go through a place that's all empty, when you have memories if New Years, or movie watching, or standing in doorways having long conversations, or playing pop bottle with dear departed Bantha Rottweiler, and of just hanging with Pablo and Delyriam and Tonga. That's basically a 3rd of my life! I don't like the idea of someone else living there--I will give Rude Stares when the new renters move in.
Here is our last look at 108
The last time fiddling with that fracking lock.
(Okay won't miss that.)
Entering the empty abode.
Well empty except for a microwave we left, and a wine glass peeking out.
No embellishments to liven up the 70s yellow (which I guess should be coming back in style any time now.)
A lone hanger.
Fernando looks for the occupants, but they are gone... gone...
But he consoles himself with Warcraft on his new
(from Pablo) desktop.
Ah yes, moving on... now it's time to listen to the Departure Bay song I youtubed you! Gathering and Scattering in Departure Bay...
So Sad! I hate change. Even your change is making me sad. I hope Pablo finds the happiness in the BC. (Maybe soon you will move there too because your whole fam lives there? So sad!).
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